XR ERA: Advancing XR Regulation for Human-centred Development: XR4Human | Recap Meetup #19 Posted on July 26, 2023February 26, 2024 by xr4human_admin The XR4Human valued members, Marco Correa Pérez and Melissa Amorós Lark from LLInC (Leiden Learning & Innovation Centre) shared key insights into the project’s vision and progress. As they highlighted, XR4Human is not just a project; it’s a collaborative endeavor aimed at empowering stakeholders across the XR landscape. By fostering dialogue between regulators, industry players, academia, and consumers, XR4Human endeavors to establish robust standards that prioritize human well-being while fostering innovation. User-Centric Development: A Pillar of XR4Human’s Mission At the heart of XR4Human’s mission lies a commitment to user-centric development. Melissa emphasized the importance of gathering user feedback, regardless of expertise levels, to inform XR development. By incorporating diverse perspectives, XR4Human aims to ensure that XR technologies are not only innovative but also accessible and user-friendly. Balancing Regulation and Innovation: XR4Human’s Guiding Principle In addressing concerns about overregulation, Marco underscored XR4Human’s commitment to striking a balance between safeguarding users and fostering innovation. By collaborating with regulatory bodies and industry stakeholders, XR4Human seeks to develop flexible regulatory frameworks that promote responsible XR development while encouraging innovation. In summary,XR4Human is a collaborative platform for shaping the future of XR. Through strategic partnerships, user-centric development, and a commitment to innovation, XR4Human aims to establish a regulatory framework that fosters public trust, promotes industry growth, and ensures a competitive European XR ecosystem. We would like to thank XR ERA https://xrera.eu/about/ for hosting this enlightening meetup. Their dedication to fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange within the XR community is invaluable, and we are grateful for the opportunity to share our insights and progress with such an engaged audience.
XR4Human Forum: The perfect online place to create a bridge among people of different sectors Posted on July 25, 2023September 29, 2023 by xr4human_admin XR4Human’s online forum, is provided by XR4Europe – the pan-European organization of XR professionals. The members of the forum are of different sectors: business, civil society and research. This allows the forum to be variegated in terms of inputs. The forum is the key element for the growth of the community online and its involvement in addressing the risks related to XR technology, starting by understanding them. Such risks are of different nature and were found to be: physical and mental health risks, social risks, abuse of power, and legal risks. Plus, the risks related to diversity and inclusivity and accessibility and interoperability. Indeed, gender, age, and social inequality could deepen the digital divide in Europe – posing a threat to European values such as equality and solidarity. The forum is accessible to everyone who wishes to join in a fairly easy way. Click here https://community.xr4europe.eu/ or scan the following QR code and follow the instructions. If someone is already a member, their access will happen directly via the XR4Europe login. If someone wishes to join, they simply need to use their ARMember credentials. Stay tuned!
The European Commission Strategy on Web 4.0 and Virtual Worlds Posted on July 12, 2023July 12, 2023 by xr4human_admin After a period of consultation and collaboration with various organizations, institutions, universities, and stakeholders, the European Commission has released its highly anticipated strategy on Web 4.0 and virtual worlds. The XR4Human project was a part of this process by providing feedback to the publication of its call for evidence in March regarding the ”virtual worlds”. Through this comprehensive initiative, European Commission aims for a Web 4.0 and virtual worlds reflecting EU values and principles. The strategy focuses on fostering an open, secure, trustworthy, fair, and inclusive digital environment for EU citizens, businesses, and public administrations Read the document here: https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_23_3718